
Periodic deworming will help your pet stay healthy and avoid parasite-related diseases.

You might not want to think about worms and other parasites inside your pets but unfortunately, it’s a reality they face. To prevent parasites from living rent free in our pets, it’s important to have them dewormed regularly. You might not be able to see the parasites that infect your pet but that doesn’t make them any less harmful. Parasites can infect humans as well, which is why you should take steps to protect your entire family.

Why does my pet need to be dewormed?

Deworming helps evict any unwanted parasites living inside your pet, including roundworms, heartworms, tapeworms, hookworms and ringworms. These parasites, if left untreated, can have negative effects on their health. How often your pet is dewormed depends on their environment as well as age. For example, kittens and puppies need to be dewormed at least biweekly up until they are 3-months-old. To find out the best time to get your pet dewormed, please contact us at 604-858-4415.

How serious are parasite infections for my pet?

Parasites like heartworms can create serious health issues. Mosquitoes help them make their way into your pet’s heart. This could create circulation issues and heart failure. Other parasites, like roundworms, are intestinal worms that tend to infect puppies and kittens more often, causing vomiting and diarrhea. They can also be passed on to humans.

How might my pet get infected with parasites?

Depending on your pet’s age and environment, they might be more susceptible to parasites. Some of these include:

  • Nursing – kittens/puppies might contract them through their mother’s milk
  • Infected animals – your pet might come into contact with another animal with parasites
  • Feces – your pet might eat or come across an affected animal’s feces
  • Transmitters – parasites might be passed on to your pet through mosquitos, ticks or flea bites
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